Doratek OOD has a diverse and specialized portfolio of Services that it provides and delivers for its clients on the utmost discretion and quality.
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1. Technical Control and Coordination of the field on behalf of the Employer
1. To check every stage of the construction and the Contractor’s construction progress.
1.1. Control of the Work program received from the Contractor.
1.2. To control the machinery and labor force within the construction site according to the instructions received from the Employer.
1.3. To conduct a daily informational meeting with the Contractor Site Manager to evaluate constructional progress, and plan the future tasks for the next day.
1.4. To supervise and evaluate that the materials to be used in construction are brought to the appropriate site for the work program.
2. To plan with the Contractor the steps that will be accomplished on the field, and to make sure the techniques and quality of construction are kept at the highest level.
3. To control the Schedule of Work.
2. Budget and Cash Flow Activities Control
1. To prepare a monthly forecast budget (Schedule of Money) for the Contractor’s Work schedule. From that point to also check the completion rate of the project, and to request a revision of the Work program where found necessary.
3. Follow-up of the Signed Contract of the Contractor
1. To track the administrative and technical work of the Contractor and to inform of upcoming deadlines.
4. Project Control, Follow-up and Reporting Activities
1. Control of project compliance and completion at each stage of construction.
2. To track that the tasks are completed with correct technique and to create a report on it.
3. If a revised/new version of approved project is present, to make sure that the Contractor receives the revised/new version of approved project and that the construction reflects it.
4. To discuss the application and coordination of the revised projects with the Contractor in order to be put into action.
5. Control of the Monthly Progress Payment Report of the Contractor, approval of the Completed Work to be presented to the Employer,
1. End of each month, control the Progress Payment Report prepared by the Contractor in reference to the project and to discuss its quantity in accordance to the project contract.
2. To determine and deduct any penalties due by the Contractor because of NCR (Non-Conformance Report).
3. To receive the proof of documents that the Contractor had already paid the salaries of his staff and his material suppliers and also paid social securities and taxes.
4. To present the approved by the Consultant Final Monthly Progress Payment to the Employer, and after Employer approval to process it for payment to the Contractor.
5. To Determine Any Problems That May Block Progress On the Site and To Give Suggestions for Solution to the Problems,
1. Control the Method of Statement (MOS) which was prepared by the Contractor.
2. Control that the production on site and the quality of the materials are reflecting the MOS and if there is some unacceptable production then ask the Contractor to repair or to take necessary action to replace completely.
3. Piping and man-hole installation will be observed and necessary tests will be done and approved before the backfilling.
7. To Follow HSE in Name of the Employer for Project on Site (In Coordination with HSE Company)
1. To control the HSE Plan and Procedure that will be applied by the Contractor.
2. To control that the HSE Plan given by the Contractor is followed in correct accordance, with the approved HSE plan. Warn the Contractor about negative observations and prepare NCR (Non-Conformance Report) for the Contractor to take necessary steps to correct and close the issued NCR.
3. Control the Contractor’s and Subcontractor's staff not to bring alcohol and drugs to the site. If observations are negative then prepare NCR for necessary action.
4. To prevent and control staff entrance to the site without preliminary notice and necessary permission.
5. Request from the Contractor to present Medical reports of his Staff and Mastery Documents of the Staff. Also request social security documents of his Staff.
6. To demand proof that the Contractor is paying premium for the following insurance policies:
a/ Labor safety of Contractor’s and Subcontractor's staff;
b/ All Risk insurance of the construction;
c/ Third Party Liability;
d/ Professional Responsibility;
7. The information above is to be prepared as a monthly report for the Employer,